Health Services

Upper Sioux Health Services

The Upper Sioux Community Tribal Programs offer various Health and Social Services to the members of the Upper Sioux Community.

Health Service Programs:

  • Health Benefits
  • Diabetes
  • Community Health
  • Home Health
  • Elder Meals
  • Community Transportation
Dancers perform at Upper Sioux Community's Traditional Wacipi Powwow

Administrative Assistant

The Administrative Assistant works to coordinate the Health and Social Services to ensure adequate Wrap around benefits for the entire community are being provided.

  • Assists with programs which are of need in both Health and Social Services
  • Assists with Upper Sioux Community Agency events
Katrina Redwing
Direct:  (320) 564-6300

Health Services Director

The Health Services Director oversees the daily operations of the Upper Sioux Community Health Programs and program personnel.

Health Services Director

Candice Hamilton

Health Service Programs

Health Benefits

The Health Benefits Administrator provides and coordinates medical, dental, optical, hospital and prescription bills with Comprehensive Care Services (CCS), Ameritus, Medicare and other insurance carriers. The Health Benefits Administrator has also taken over the community immunization records in an effort to coordinate with our health plans and keep family records together.

Health Benefits Administrator

Rachel Hamilton

Diabetes Program

Offers and distributes diabetes educational materials, diabetic supplies, and nutrition information. Diabetes Coordinator also offers Blood Sugar/Pressure checks.

Kilowatt Community Center Passes are offered and available to all Community members, so they have access to workout/exercise facilities which reduce the risk of obesity and prevent the spread of diabetes.

Diabetes Coordinator

Julie Schommer

Community Health Representative

The Community Health Representative works to improve the healthcare services to our community members. This is accomplished through home visits, networking with area health providers and arranging appropriate health services for our community. The CHR also monitors blood pressures and blood sugar readings throughout client contacts.

Community Health Representative

Loretta Christenson

Home Health Aide

This program provides services primarily to the Elders by assisting them with daily living needs. This includes but is not limited to cleaning, cooking, laundry, grocery shopping and personal business such as banking or bill paying. The Home Health Aide is or primary Home Meal delivery person. The Home Health Aide also plans and participates in elder outings and activities.

Home Health Aide

Kayla Anspach

Elder Meal Site

The Elders and disabled are provided one meal per day through the Meal site Program. Elders have the option of either having their meal at the `Roundhouse' or have their meal delivered to their home.

Meal Site Cook

Colleen Olson

Food Pantry Coordinator

Amber Long

Community Transportation

The Community Transportation Assistant will provide transportation to medical and dental appointments. A 24-hour notice is required per the Upper Sioux Community Transportation Policy so that a working schedule may be arranged.

I.H.S Assistant

Sue Kipp

I.H.S Assistant

Nancy Savariego

Direct: (320) 564-6316  Mobile: (320) 226-2465
Contact Health Services

Upper Sioux Community

PO Box 147

5744 Hwy 167 Granite Falls, MN 56241

(320) 564-2360

Fax: (320) 564-3264

Dancers perform at Upper Sioux Community's Traditional Wacipi Powwow
Dancers perform at Upper Sioux Community's Traditional Wacipi Powwow
Dancers perform at Upper Sioux Community's Traditional Wacipi Powwow